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The Rotary Club of Port Huron provides community service through our Foundation, which provides grants to local non-profit organizations. Additionally, we do several annual events such as the Rotary International Day Parade every July, local road clean up, Flags for Veterans in Lakeside Cemetery every Memorial Day, Random Acts of Gratitude and Salvation Army bell ringing in December.

Rotary: We are People of Action

2024-25 President: Emily Vinckier Pierce, Past President: Gino Giacumbo, Treasurer: Ray Foltz, Secretary: Emily Vinckier Pierce, Foundation Chair: Jackie Hanton, Service Project Chair: Kristy Jones, Membership Chair: TBD, Seargent-at-Arms: Marge Kopp-Ropposch

MEMBERS: John Adair, Victor Albert (Honorary), Michael Anderson, Scott Babin, Yvonne Babin, Keely Baribeau, Lisa Beedon, Craig Brown, Julie Cadotte, Thelma Castillo, Carol Chargot, Bob Coulter, Ted Fitzgerald, Chris Flann, Brent Gillette, Bob Haas, Allan Hardy, Carter Hitesman, Luella Ingles, Robert Kempf, Andrew Kercher, Renae Kiehler, Gary LeRoy, John Livesay, Matt Markham, Jesse Messing, Thomas Riopelle, Shelley Schudlich, Austin Shell, Eugene Umlor (Honorary), Mark Walker Jr., Trevor Walker, Matt Wallace, Chuck Warczinsky, Ed Weichsler, Calah Wesley

Our Mission

Our Mission

To provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

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The Four-Way Test

Rotary's values are clear and demonstrated in our actions, service and purpose via the four-way test.

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